
Saturday 31 October 2015

Happy Halloween

Wishing all our USA friends and those who celebrate elsewhere a......

Friday 30 October 2015

Some new clothes for Bleuette

Hunting through the clothes box the other day, this little girl found a dress I had knitted many years ago that fitted her really well.  Just need to make a new belt to go with it as the existing belt was too small so she currently has a ribbon.

Yesterday I thought I would sew her a little dress.

I had some lovely delicate small print fabric and came up with this, a basic classic design.

I am pleased with the fit.

I think I am getting used to her red hair as well!

She still hasn't told me her name though...

Thursday 29 October 2015

Little Bo Peep

Seems to have lost her sheep!

One of my more minty Nancy Ann Storybook Dolls this little bisque doll is very petite and of course very sweet as they all are.

Sunday 25 October 2015

A Very Special Doll

Last year I enjoyed watching the progress of a friend carving a small wooden Bleuette doll.  I very much admired the finished doll.   Never did I expect that a year later I would have the opportunity to adopt the little doll.  I feel very privileged to have been able to offer her a new home and she is everything I expected and more.  I am absolutely delighted and she has already fitted in so well.

Here are her arrival photos.

Waving hello to her carving 'Mother' 

She thought she would quite like to try a different coloured wig, but I only really had one that fitted that look kind of okay.

She said she quite likes red hair, so we will give it a little while to see what we think about her new look.

It turns out she is an avid reader and couldn't wait to investigate what was on offer.  

Here she is reading 'Attic Days - A Patchwork Tale' by Natalie Jo

Eager to start at a new school, I had to make her a school uniform today.  She seems pretty prleased with it.

Her school portrait.

Now I just have to wait for her to tell me her name as she is currently keeping it secret!


A very special thank you to Sisko for letting me adopt her gorgeous girl - she will be treasured for ever.

Thursday 15 October 2015

The Kindness of Friends.

A little while ago I posted a picture of my poor little waif Nancy Ann Storybook doll on Flickr.  She had a sweet little face I just couldn't abandon her, so she has waited patiently in the cabinet for a time when I might make her some new arms and repair her feet.

Well very fortuitously a blog/Flickr/Ipernity friend from afar was given some 'spare parts' the other week and much to my surprise and delight she offered to send my sweet little girl some arms. I was of course delighted at the offer as these dolls so very rarely become available in England, let alone parts for them.

They arrived today and I duly performed 'surgery' on her.  

She still needs her feet repaired but in the mean time, there was also another surprise in the package.  Not only did this dear friend send the arms she also made this little doll an outfit WITH shoes!

The crochet work is exquisite and I am overawed by her generosity and talent.  

Sweet little Beth - named after this friend - waves her a big hello and thank you.

She looks so much happier and even prettier now!

Beth has a wonderful website where she shares patterns, tips and hints and of course pictures of her dolls and creations. It can be found here.

Thank you so much, you have really made my day!

Monday 12 October 2015

Peggy Sue at Wrest Park

Peggy Sue enjoyed a lovely day out today at Wrest Park.

The gardens were looking so very pretty.

Looking towards the house.

The bridge.

Relaxing against a tree soaking in the sunshine.

Peggy Sue enjoyed her walk around the park

She loved old bath house.

The house looked so pretty with the way the leaves had changed to crimson colours.

A cheeky little robin spied Peggy Sue

What a super lovely day she had.

Sunday 11 October 2015

Hard Work and Play make Peggy Sue Happy

Peggy Sue heard Dad say that he was going to be painting the roof of his office today....

She donned her overalls, grabbed a bucket and set off to help.

The steps on the ladder are quite far apart....

But taking it one step at a time she gradually gets higher

and higher...

finally she is on the roof and starts scrubbing to get it all clean and clear for painting.

After a little while of working hard she has a break and admires the view - she can see into all the other gardens from up here!

Walking back through the garden after the roof is prepared Peggy Sue notices that there are a load more leaves in the garden...this will never do she thinks to herself!

She finds the rake...

and starts raking up all the leaves

She works really hard...

...until there is quite a pile!

All done!

Peggy Sue helps put the pile of leaves in the compost bin.

Time for play!

Peggy Sue has been wanting to go up to the tree house for ages....but the boys tend to be round and so far have been dominating it...but now was her chance as they were nowhere to be seen.

Fortunately they had left the rope ladder down...

She starts to climb it.

It is not easy as it sways too and fro

But Peggy Sue is one determined young lady as we all know.


She makes it to the top

Carefully she starts to climb through the trap door hole.

There she goes!

And Up!

Peggy Sue has made it.

She couldn't help but sing 'I'm the King of the Castle'

Peggy Sue was very proud of her achievements and can't wait to bring Little Owen up with her next time.  She is very excited about telling him all about her adventure.

Darling Peggy Sue, hard worker gets her reward.

After a while it is time to come down 

She heads off back to the house

full of stories to tell her friends.