
Thursday 20 December 2012

Long Sleeve Winter Dress

I thought I would try making one more dress out of the pretty self striping wool I had left, but this time adding long sleeves.  I'm quite proud of myself for attempting this as usually I am very much a follow the pattern person, but this pattern didn't have sleeves, so I had to make them up myself.

I left the sleeves for last measuring the size on Peggy Sue as I went along.

The first time I didn't quite get the sleeve length right, so undid the garter stitch rows and did a few more rows of stocking stitch.

The end result was very satisfying and a really nice fit.  I had to laugh when I saw this photo and the cheeky monkey reaching out to the candle...good thing it is lit!  I also think Anne-Marie is hoping she will get the next knitted dress!

I added buttons to the front for detail

I now feel like I have really made a proper winter dress for Peggy Sue with long sleeves.


  1. Bravo! You did a great job on this sweet dress! I'm sure Peggy Sue is all toasty and warm wearing it.

    I'm sure Anne-Marie will enjoy having one as well.

    You are so talented!

  2. I love the knitted dresses and the wool you used is divine. All my dollies will be expecting me to make them some now!


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