
Monday 8 April 2013

A School Dress, Pinafore and other gifts arrive.

Not much time for doll play this week I am thinking...

Still that is probably good, as that means not much time for thinking about anything else either!

My oldest son comes home from three months at sea on Sunday and I have said I will have his room decorated for him when he comes back...of course I only started today.  So one wall has had its first coat of paint...I am thinking it is probably going to need three coats.  Yikes!  Will I ever get it done in time?

Tomorrow  I have to go into London to see the Pain Specialist.

Wednesday our friends are coming up to work out the date to move into my FIL's house.

It is all go!

A beautiful school dress arrived in the post for Peggy Sue this morning from Elisa and Rosey 

Elisa's hand work is beautiful and the dress is stunning, with lovely extra special touches such as crochet collar, button 'hook' lace around the sleeves etc...

Peggy Sue is beginning to think that if school means wearing such pretty dresses, maybe it won't be so bad afterall!

She enjoyed doing  a little dance to show Rosey what the dress looks like.

Elisa also made a pinafore to go over the dress.  The pinafores are going to be part of the 'official' school uniform ;-)

A couple of photos in Sepia Tint.

Not only did Elisa and Rosey send the dress and pinafore, but they also included some other wonderful goodies, most of which I will photograph for another day, but included...

toothbrush, toothpaste, cakes, booklets, and a wonderful quilt for Peggy Sue's bed which she is showing below.

Isn't it wonderful?!

Thank you so much Elisa for these wonderful gifts and the dress swap, we really love them all!


  1. What lovely surprises!
    Good luck with the decorating.
    Jenni xxx

  2. Bertie sends his love to Peggy Sue and thinks she looks quite beautiful in her new dress...
    Good luck with all your activities...You seem much better, thank goodness!

  3. I really like the quilt and am amazed at Elisa's crocheted collar.

    I am thankful you are feeling a bit better and hope you've turned a corner.


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