
Sunday 6 October 2013

Some Knitting & Some Sewing

Friday I knitted a little Kimono cardigan hoping that it would be suitable for Kaya to wear over her long sleeve dress on those cooler days.  The pattern had long sleeves so I thought it would be perfect.  However, while knitting I was a bit concerned that the sleeves weren't going to be long enough, despite following the pattern and the rest of the pattern knitting up okay size wise.  I was right.  The sleeves definitely are not long!  The cardigan wasn't at all suitable for Kaya to wear over her dress so I thought I would see how it looked on Saige as she still has her summer dress on.

It fits fine over this, but as you can see the sleeves are a long way short of being long!  I may try again adding more stitches for the sleeves...or I may try another pattern.  I haven't decided yet.

Today I did some sewing.  I have actually cut out five dresses I think it is, to make, but made this first one for Peggy sue

She is waving hello.

I do love this style of dress on her, it fits so well and can also be worn by Sasha which is a bonus.

Peggy Sue has borrowed Marcia's beret which I think looks very sweet on her.


  1. Ooh! Didn't know you had Kaya - she's my favourite of the AGs. I must NOT buy her, I must NOT buy her!
    Peggy Sue looks cute - all ready for this autumnal weather.
    I wish I was as quick at knitting as you, I'm behind with all things creative just now, but knitting is one of the things I never seem to finish on time.
    Will email you soon, I'm behind with everything to do with the internet too,
    Jenni xxx

    1. Yes I am lucky to have Kaya, my husband bought her for me and she really is beautiful!


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