
Thursday 16 April 2015

Wandering with Wren - Verulamium

Well what a gorgeous day it was on Wednesday. Wren decided it was perfect for wandering around Verulamium - otherwise known as St Albans.

She admired the mosaic work  and hypocaust and  visited the Roman Theatre.

The Roman mosaic was part of a suite of rooms in a large town house built around AD200.  This mosaic and the 1800 year old hypocaust were uncovered during excavations in Verulamium part in the 1930s.   They were left in their original location and preserved so we can see them today!  Amazing that we live so close to such wonderful history.  This was probably one of the first 'central heating' systems to be installed in this country!

Amazing tile work.

Objects found during excavation work.

The theatre, the only example of its kind in Britain was built in about 140AD.  It was a theatre with a stage rather than an amphitheatre.  The arena area would have been used for anything from religious processions, dancing, wrestling, armed combat and wild beast shows.  Around 180AD the stage came into greater use and the auditorium was extended.  By 300AD redevelopment work had taken place and the theatre could seat approximately 2000 spectators!

Next to the theatre more excavations can be seen and reveal a row of shop foundations, a Roman Villa and a secret shrine which date from around the First to  Second Century.

Soaking up the Vitamin D!

1 comment:

  1. Just amazing to think how old some of those places/objects are. It was a whole different world back then. Loved the photos! (and Wren) :)


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