
Sunday 22 November 2015

An Afternoon Tea Party

This afternoon Peggy Sue started her birthday celebrations - one day early so she could have an afternoon tea party.

The guests duly arrived and she was so surprised to see Laura push her beautiful lime green pram up with a present on it.

For me?  Peggy Sue gasped.

Yes, Laura replied.

Peggy Sue wasn't expecting anything so was a little surprised.

She is uncertain whether she is allowed to unwrap it a day early but is reassured that she can.

Very carefully Peggy Sue starts to unwrap her first present.

She opens the present to reveal some lovely fabric all the way from Canada.

She turns to Laura to say thank you so much!

It is so pretty, I can't wait to see what Mum will make with it. she tells Laura.

Thank you so much.

Lissie gives the present from her and Gaby to Peggy Sue.

Oh how pretty it is wrapped. Peggy Sue says.

Is it okay to open this one as well?  She asks.

Of course you can open it now.  Lissie tells Peggy Sue.

Peggy Sue unties the ribbon

Reads the card

She is quite stunned at what is inside.

For me?  Wow, this is fabulous, I have never had a 'modern' outfit like this before!

She turns to Gaby.  Thank you so much Gaby.

She turns to Lissie and thanks her as well.

Princess Addison has been waiting patiently to give Peggy Sue her gift.

Oooh!  Peggy Sue exclaims - I think I recognise the shape of this box.  

She reads the card.

She opens it!

I'm right!  It is chocolate!

Chocolate?  Where is the chocolate?  Little Owen cries as he comes running up to Peggy Sue.

You are funny, Little Owen, I didn't think you wanted to take part in today's party.  Peggy Sue says to him.

But there is chocolate!  Little Owen exclaims.

Peggy Sue thanks her friends so much.  

What lovely gifts they gave her and so unexpected as well.

Meanwhile the adults venture into the dining room for their afternoon tea party.

The table is laid out with lots of goodies.

Cucumber, cheese and egg sandwiches.
Carrot Cake
Scones with jam & cream
Jam Sponge Tarts,
Mince Pies
and other lovely treats.

Plus of course the all important pot of tea - which got refilled several times during the afternoon!

What a delightful afternoon was had by all.


Peggy Sue was so excited by her 'modern' tunic top that she just had to try on - before she even has a pair of pants/trousers to match!

You will need a pair of trousers Peggy Sue, but you do look rather special in that top, it really suits you.  Princess Addison tells her kindly.

Peggy Sue quickly goes and finds a pair of trousers to wear until a pair are made for her.

That looks a bit better Peggy Sue!

With the hood up.

Peggy Sue's Virtual Birthday Party is tomorrow.


  1. This looks like such fun! And the snacks all look fabulous as well!

    1. The snacks were very yummy indeed and we all had a lot of fun.

  2. Happy Birthday Peggy Sue, it was fun to join you for your actual burthday tea party. Love from Laura, Miranda, Florence, Betsy and Edmund.

    1. So glad you could join us - just wish the light had been better and we'd got photos of you all!

  3. Peggy Sue, we are glad you liked the fabric we chose for you in Vancouver, we enjoyed your party too. Love Jenny and Lexie

    1. The fabric was so lovely Jenny & Lexie, I can't wait to see what Mum makes with it. Love Peggy Sue.

  4. It was lovely to see you and all your other friends, Peggy Sue! I hope you have a brilliant day now that it's your actual birthday - Jocelyn

    1. I hope to have a brilliant day! I certainly had a great one yesterday - love Peggy Sue

  5. What a delightful party! I wish I could have been there to help Peggy Sue celebrate. Sending virtual hugs from far away ~ Kiki and Melinda


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