
Monday 23 November 2015

Happy Birthday Peggy Sue

Happy Birthday Peggy Sue!

The girls all gathered today to celebrate Peggy Sue's birthday.

Anne-Marie opted to be in charge of toddler Erica Michelle.

The girls enjoy the yummy cakes and lots of giggling was heard.

Charlotte has her pretty party dress on that matches Erica Michelle's.

The girls chat about all sorts of things and then it was suggested that when they finished eating they do some dancing.

Charlotte tuned in the radio to a music station with some good dance music playing

Anne-Marie decided she would stay sitting as the little toddler seemed quite content watching on her lap.

Not often you see a toddler quite so still!

The girls practice their dance moves.

Saige and Chrissy show Peggy Sue, Norma Jean, Liebe and Stevie how to do 'Saturday Night Fever'

I'm not sure they are all quite co-ordinated

But they gave it a good go

and certainly enjoyed themselves!


  1. Heh, the dancing shots are just too fabulous! ;)

  2. Well that is just the cutest, looks like they are really having fun dancing.

  3. Happy Birthday Peggy Sue! Great party...

  4. It looks like you had a great party on your actual birthday, especially the dancing. Thank you for inviting us to your pre-birthday tea-party, we had lots of fun. Love Laura, Florence, Miranda, Betsy, Edmund, Jenny and Lexie.

  5. A happy birthday to Peggy Sue! The danc pictures are awesome :-). I also love the radio!


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