Schoenhut Family

I am lucky to have seven Schoenhuts - Five of which are Miss Dolly and the other two, are character face Schoenhuts.

Anne-Marie, Catherine
Edith, Bertie and Betsy

(Catherine, Bertie & Betsy have left to live with someone else)

Anne-Marie - 22 inches Miss Dolly

Peggy Sue 

Peggy Sue: Schoenhut Miss Dolly 16 inches  My sweet companion, determined when she wants to be!

Little Owen:  Hermann Teddy Bear, Peggy Sue's friend and companion.

Edith:  Schoenhut Miss Dolly 16 inches tall - Peggy Sue's best friend.

Lillie Louise  - 22 inches Miss Dolly

Norma Jean - 15 inches Miss Dolly

Vanessa Van Gogh  (19.5 inches Miss Dolly)

Florence (Model 14/313)

Oliver William  (Model 14/312)

Model 16/307 Graziano smooth-eyed character (Made May 1911 - April 1912)

Model 16/101 'Janice'

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