Monday, 20 August 2012

Jacob discovers a good book & more knitting for Chrissy

 Jacob has been enjoying the garden today.  I discovered him reading a book this morning...



He certainly seems very absorbed in it and spent quite a bit of time studying the pictures in detail.  I think he must have really enjoyed it as later this afternoon I discovered him sitting on a chair in the garden telling his dog and frog all about it.


Last night I finished knitting another outfit for Chrissy.  A pair of leggings and Diamonds are Forever dress, which as actually ended up a bit small for her and is more of a jumper.  I might try it on someone else to see if it fits them better.



I really need to try and get to grips with wordpress a bit better.  I find it much harder to understand and work out than  blogspot which I have been using for years.  I guess I just need to set a bit of time aside to work it out.  I would like to add pages and proper tags and things...Perhaps I will try and do a bit tomorrow morning if I wake up early again.

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