Saturday, 22 November 2014

Party Preparations!

Emily, Sasha and Stevie have donned their aprons in order to prepare for Peggy Sue's birthday tomorrow.

They are discussing what to make.

Stevie looks in the fridge to see if they have milk for the baking.

Emily turns on the oven and Sasha prepares the mixer.

They have decided little cakes always go down well.

Stevie passes Sasha the milk while Emily waits for the cake mixture to be made.

Emily pops the cakes in the oven.

She is wearing her oven gloves so she doesn't burn herself.

They chat while the cakes are cooking..

Some time later they are ready to be taken out of the oven.

Emily carefully places the tray on the table.

The cakes look wonderful!

Some rather animated discussion between the girls over what else they need to do to prepare for the party.

Various party games are suggested.

As well as other types of snacks and drinks that might be needed.

They leave the cakes to cool and decide to go to the other room so they can make some lists.

Sasha leads the way ....   she is on a mission....


  1. Peggy Sue will be so surprised! Kit and Miu are all ready, chomping at the bit!

    1. Peggy Sue is looking forward to seeing Kit and Miu!

  2. Caroline is wrapping her gift. We took her favorite summer dress out and I made her a sweater to wear over it and added some tights and shoes for warmth. She is so excited for the party.

    1. Oh how lovely, I am sure she is going to look delightful! Lots of excitement.


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