Chester & Chips have been badgering Anne-Marie to read them a story.
Can you read us a story please Anne-Marie?
Of course I can, what would you like to hear? Little Bo Peep?
Yes please, Chester & Chips chorus.
Anne-Marie makes a start...
Little Bo-peep has lost her sheep,
And doesn't know where to find them.
Why has she lost her sheep Anne-Marie? Chester asks.
Well perhaps she forgot to watch over them and got distracted. Anne-Marie answers.
You mean like Chips and I do, when we are supposed to be doing something like tidying our room? Chester ask
Well yes probably just like that, replies Anne-Marie.
Can you read us some more please?
Are you going to stop interrupting?
Look, they are coming home! Chips calls out
Yes, I was just about to read that part, sighs Anne-Marie. Are you two going to stop chattering now?
'Leave them alone,
Why leave them alone? You just told us she shouldn't have done, Chester interrupts again.
Quiet, just listen grumbles Chip, wanting to listen to the rest of the story.
Now where was I? asks Anne-Marie
Leaving them alone! Chester says.
Oh yes, 'Leave them alone, and they will come home, bringing their tails behind them'.
Well that is just silly! Chester interrupts again. Of course they are going to bring their tails behind them, they could hardly bring them in front of them now could they?
Anne-Marie just looks at him and thinks to herself that sometimes Chester is just a little bit too smart.